Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay

Thomas Jefferson once said â€Å"genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.† I believe it is this 1% inspiration that we must find, as teachers, in the youth of today. That way, we can give them the motivation to unlock the 99% perspiration inside themselves. After all, without that 1% inspiration, you have no reason to perspire. Teaching requires a certain kind of patience, understanding, and willingness to perspire on its’ own. It is not an easy task to uncover that 1% inspiration within your students. It is a bit like digging for gold. You really have to want it, know why you want it, and go after it. Essentially, a teacher has to have their own â€Å"inspiration† about being a teacher to be able to find the â€Å"inspiration† in their children. My inspiration is uncovering what our students can do for the world of tomorrow when they truly believe in themselves and can think at the highest levels of Blooms (evaluation and creation). A child that knows their dominant learning style and areas of multiple intelligences can comprehend a larger amount of information. They can also embrace their individuality and become comfortable with themselves inside the classroom. They are less focused on what their peers are accomplishing, and more focused on investing in their identified talents. I speak from experience because I was identified at a young age as having a learning style that was not as common at the time (auditory). I received additional assistance as a child, but most of the time I had to uncover my own â€Å"inspiration.† Many teachers during that time were unaware of how to approach an auditory learner. Since then, I have become extremely compassionate towards students who have a willingness to learn. It is important to break down those walls of â€Å"I can’t† and transform them into â€Å"how am I going to.† There is always a way to get something accomplished.

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