Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dissent Versus Disagreement free essay sample

Throughout history, there is a pattern of revolutions and protests that characterize humanity’s need for independence and representation. At the basis of the majority of these insurgencies, there is a primal disagreement over a controversy or an issue of human rights and reason. Due to the critical debate and philosophical questions sparked from the disagreement, the opposing sides respectively consider the argument of the other and a settlement of one sort or the other is reached. On the contrary, if dissension instead of disagreement occurs, then one side is obligated to feel like a polarized minority against a prejudiced majority. Dissension is the cancer of society whilst disagreement is the lifeblood as illustrated by the integral denominations of Christianity, Suzanne Collins’ controversial novel the Hunger Games, and the conflicting American two-party system we have today; proving that freedom is what humanity ultimately strives for. Admittedly, disagreement can lead to destruction and chaos. It can lead to unexpected consequences that are not beneficial to either majority. The situation could potentially worsen due to disagreement. However, without that disagreement, nothing would have changed. Dissension would not make any one side content or better the situation as it would be a minority protesting to a majority that would not listen. Disagreement at least would be a gateway to change, to a freedom that did not previously exist. If there existed merely dissension, almost no change would occur seeing as the majority could simply ignore any protests or rebellions from the dissenters. Firstly, the integral denominations of Christianity that have developed out of history owe their origins to historical debates and councils where two conflicting sides fought for the freedom to express their religious beliefs without persecution. Within the church, there are Baptists and Protestants and Presbyterians and Lutherans: only a few of many. Some would also say that Catholicism could be categorized under Christianity. Nonetheless, with all of these various denominations come different beliefs about the detailed aspects of religion whilst out of all of them emerges the same basic doctrine. Different denominations represent freedom of expression and of religion that comes from disagreement between people, especially in the history of Christianity. On the contrary, if, in the original Roman Catholic Church there had been merely dissension and no disagreement, we would not have the religious freedom to express our beliefs that we take advantage of today. Disagreement in the church led to theological debates between famous religious figures such as Luther and Erasmus or Augustine and Pelagius, who were all seen as equal scholars and therefore their opinions were heard and considered and a thoughtful settlement was made. It led to the development of the Protestant church that began with Luther posting his 95 Theses. Initially, Luther was a minority protesting a majority and therefore could be categorized as a dissenter. If this status did not change, his 95 Theses would not be notable today. However, Luther did gain a following that disagreed with the church’s practice selling of indulgences and so, because of the disagreement between the existing church and Luther’s followers that were both now considered majorities, the Lutherans split off and formed the Lutheran church which still exists today and that would lead to the formation of numerous other denominations within Christianity. In addition, in 2008, Suzanne Collins’ controversial novel the Hunger Games was released to the world with its empowering protagonist, sixteen-year-old heroine Katniss Everdeen, trailblazing the way for the thirteen Districts of Panem to rebel against the totalitarian Capitol to gain their freedom. The crucial rationale behind the Districts’ rebellion is to protect future generations from the cruelty of the Capitol and to overthrow a rotten regime run by the twisted President Snow. In this situation, the rebels disagree with the practice that the Capitol uses to keep the Districts in check: the Hunger Games, an annual event where a young boy and girl are supposedly randomly selected from each District to fight to the death in a man made arena, last one alive wins, the ultimate survivor. From their disagreement comes the urge to come together in unity in order to protest the barbaric practices of the Capitol, which ends in a successful victory for the Districts because of their alliances with each other. Before the union of the Districts of Panem, there was a previous uprising by the thirteenth District in an attempt to break free of the Capitol’s rule, but because it was only one District against the large and powerful Capitol, the rebellion was unsuccessful and the thirteenth District was destroyed. This is an example of what dissension brought about in the world of Panem. This first uprising was ineffective because it was a minority standing against a majority, enabling for the majority to all too easily stomp over the minority. The main reason why the second rebellion was more successful than the first was because all of the Districts pulled their efforts together as one and therefore became a force for the Capitol to reckon with. Most importantly, the recent presidential election of 2012 involved two conflicting political parties who disagreed on who should be the next president of the United States; this disagreement between two majorities allowed for American citizens to freely express their own personal opinions on each presidential candidate. It is this disagreement between two majorities that allows for the United States and its people to thrive through the power of democracy. No matter which of these two political alignments one chooses, one still feels as if they have a voice because they have joined a majority. Due to both parties being majorities, debates like the recent presidential one are able to occur along with other debates like ones over marriage rights, immigration reform laws, and judicial court system workings. With disagreement, it is less likely for a quick and rash decision to be made, as it is easier for the whole picture to be viewed and considered. If one of these opposing political parties were to overshadow the other, then the whole system would disintegrate. Instead of debates due to disagreement, there would be dissension that could possibly lead to protests and the slow collapse of the society of today. Without these two majorities that represent American citizens, democracy would fall apart due to the dissension. Not only would half of America not be properly represented, but debate would cease to happen, and flaws in ideals would not be as readily pointed out since there wouldn’t be another majority analyzing them. Disagreement is the key in keeping the balance, and without it dissension would destroy our society as we know it and our freedom to express our opinions would exist no more. In conclusion, the disagreement between two existing sides leads to numerous forms of freedom whilst dissension would bring about the end to any hopes of freedom along with the destruction of the society or area it occurs in. Especially in America, the people thrive on disagreement, starting from the Revolutionary War and progressing onwards into the democratic society that has been established today. It is through our disagreements that we find the power to oppose a corrupt rule, to form a system that allows us to freely express beliefs, and to discover faults within our own ideals that would not otherwise be revealed to us. America is the embodiment of the freedom humanity ultimately strives for: in expression, in beliefs, in rights, and in laws, and it is all due to disagreement that America can truly be a land of the free.

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