Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Various Issues in the Energy Resources-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the various issues in the energy resources. Answer: Introduction The following paper discusses about the summary and evaluation of the article on the global energy like the air, water and other sources. It has been noted that the use of the nuclear energy is not that much effective in the modern times. This is why the use of the nuclear energy should be stopped as it can result to the nuclear war. The infrastructure of the associations across the globe should be modernized and they should work together to mitigate all the issues that arise in this context. The article has been summarized and evaluated. Summary The following section is the article summary about the different aspects of the environmental policies as referred by Jacobson and Delucchi. This literature survey has argued about two important things (Jacobson Delucchi, 2011). The first is about the fracking of the shale gas companies. The environmental degradation has been very much. The energy problems have been very much rampant in the modern environmental backgrounds. The climate change has also been one of the most important things in the saving of the atmosphere and the environment. Some significant modes of pollution are water pollution, air pollution. All the people must conserve the energy sources properly indeed (Jacobson Delucchi, 2011). The cost of the reliable or conservative energy is definitely low indeed. The renewable energy is needed to be converted for the use of the human beings. The studies in the past times have revealed that renewable energy plans will be implemented seriously. The carbon dioxide emissions have been so high that the government of US has planned something big as well. The Kyoto Protocol has indeed suggested some ways to diminish this emission level of carbon dioxide. The supply system of the renewable energy must be implemented positively as well. It had been decided in the earlier meetings that the intercontinental transmission lines should be covered to provide the renewable energy across the countries in the region (Jacobson Delucchi, 2011). The cost can be diminished as well. Thus many solutions were being thought of indeed. The renewable energy and the nuclear energy should come into play indeed. It has been also said that the fossil fuels are needed to be carbonized. This will impro ve the energy efficiency. The proper use of science will have to be discussed in this issue. The advantages and disadvantages that shale gas development has are mainly regarding the equipments that are used. Many environmental problems occur in this regard as well. The health of the common people can be affected a lot. The pollution will increase and this will destroy the environment very badly (Panayotou, 2016). It is also required that the deforestation should be decreases to a good level as well (Lawrence Vandecar, 2015). This harms the environmental balance to a large degree. The vehicles emit the carbon gas to a large level. This should be stopped. As a replacement, the use of hydrogen in the vehicles should be encouraged (Baccini et al., 2012). The solar energy is one of the most important energy sources to cater to the need of the energy resources. Some of the technical, economic and geographical issues will have to be resolved in order to bring out the solutions (Redweik, Catita Brito, 2013). The experts are of the opinion that the solar power must be the most efficient replacement for the fossil fuel energy. The emission levels of carbon dioxide will decrease indeed (Lawrence Vandecar, 2015). This will be very much important in this context since the environment will be saved to a great deal indeed. The bio-fuel systems are also to be included in the operations as well. The expert s have also recommended the use of the electricity and battery run vehicles for the betterment of the environment in many ways (Baccini et al., 2012). Evaluation part This article has to be evaluated in this part of the paper. It can be said that the it is very much needed to utilize the solar energy for the energy efficiency in most parts. The energy resources will have to be implemented in the modern context of the environmental degradation. The different program and policies will have to be discussed in order to get the solutions for the best energy efficient solutions (Aghaei Alizadeh, 2013). If the use of the fossil fuels is destroying the balance of the nature and environment, this should be put to an end somehow indeed. It has been speculated that by 2030, the WWS system can be implemented all over the world to save the energy and make it run for a long time. This will also be helpful for the electricity and transportation system all over as well (Aghaei Alizadeh, 2013). The expert scientists have claimed that the ice cap of Arctic sea has slowly begun the melting process. The energy resources have been hampered because of that as well. Some relevant solutions are needed to be given for this. The development of technology must play an important part in the shaping up of the carbon gases all over the world (Schiederig, Tietze Herstatt, 2012) The experts in this field must prepare their plans for the saving the energy resources all over the world. The other WWS electric power sources can be acknowledged as the river or the ocean electric power system (Weedy et al., 2012). These are alternate systems as well. These power sources could be utilized for the better supply of power. The nuclear energy sources are not taken as a genuine power source in the modern times. The use of nuclear weapons by the powerful countries could be encouraged by the nuclear energy. These are the reasons renewable energy should be utilized properly. References Aghaei, J., Alizadeh, M. I. (2013). Demand response in smart electricity grids equipped with renewable energy sources: A review.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,18, 64-72. Baccini, A. G. S. J., Goetz, S. J., Walker, W. S., Laporte, N. T., Sun, M., Sulla-Menashe, D., ... Samanta, S. (2012). Estimated carbon dioxide emissions from tropical deforestation improved by carbon-density maps.Nature Climate Change,2(3), 182. Jacobson, M. Z., Delucchi, M. A. (2011). Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part I: Technologies, energy resources, quantities and areas of infrastructure, and materials.Energy policy,39(3), 1154-1169. Lawrence, D., Vandecar, K. (2015). Effects of tropical deforestation on climate and agriculture.Nature Climate Change,5(1), 27. Panayotou, T. (2016). Economic growth and the environment.The environment in anthropology, 140-148. Redweik, P., Catita, C., Brito, M. (2013). Solar energy potential on roofs and facades in an urban landscape.Solar Energy,97, 332-341. Schiederig, T., Tietze, F., Herstatt, C. (2012). Green innovation in technology and innovation managementan exploratory literature review.Rd Management,42(2), 180-192. Weedy, B. M., Cory, B. J., Jenkins, N., Ekanayake, J. B., Strbac, G. (2012).Electric power systems. John Wiley Sons.

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